The EC’s “Green Paper” on CG and Remuneration in Financial Institutions

The European Commission's Green Paper on corporate governance and remuneration policies in financial institutions madenumber of significant suggestions, including:

a) limiting the number of board memberships, and requiring greater expertise and qualificationson boards;

b) mandating risk committees and stronger risk management functions;

c) fortifying the legal liability of directors under an expanded duty of care;

d)regulating or restricting stock options; and

SEC Web Page Sets Forth Timeline for Reforms

The SEC has set forth a time linefor finalized rules as well as tentative timing for future proposals and rulings, with respect to all the changes and studies required by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act that as signed into law on July 21, 2010.

The Dodd-Frank Act itself can be found here:

NYSE’s Commission on CG: Put Enough Managers on the Board

The report of the NYSE Commission, issued this fall, summarized this particularreccommendation in the following way in its press release:

While independence is an important attribute for board members, the NYSE’s Listing Standards do not limit a board to just one non-independent director, and boards should seek an appropriate balance between independent and non-independent directors to ensure a proper mix of expertise, diversity and knowledge.