Discussion Forum - Page 91 of 116 - The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI)

Nomura Releases Results of Individual Investors Survey: A Decreasing % Intend to Vote for All Resolutions

Nomura has released the results of its Individual Investors Survey. The results pertaining to governance matters, intentions regarding exercising voting rights at general shareholders‘ meetings, are set forth at the bottom, but the main gist is that: Of the respondents saying they planned to exercise their voting rights, 25.8% said they intended to vote in […]

“About Corporate Auditors” – Explanation by the Japan Corporate Auditors (Statutory Auditors) Association

1. Overview

Under Japan's Companies Act of 2005, which consolidated corporate law regulations in Japan, a corporate auditor (kansayaku) is a mandatory organ of a joint-stock company with two exceptional situations. Specifically, a small-scale closely-held company is not required to have kansayaku, and a committee company is required to have three committees (the audit committee, the nominating committee and the compensation committee) but not kansayaku.

Now Accepting Applications for Next English Language “Director Boot Camp” Training Program (June 23; sign up at bottom)

Following its successful first offering, BDTI will hold its next English-language Director Boot Camp on Saturday, June 23rd. Thisintensive programteaches attendeesthe keylegal and corporate governance knowledgethey need to responsibly serve on, report to, or analyze boards of Japanese companies, focusing most on issues that arise in public companies. (However, manysubjects are also relevant to Japanese subsidiaries of public companies, or even private companies.)

CEO Succession: Models for the Asia Pacific Board (Spencer Stuart)

To better understand succession planning in an Asian context, Spencer Stuart brought together board directors, CEOs and other senior executives in Singapore for a panel discussion featuring Hsieh Tsun-yan, an independent director of Sony Corporation, Bharti Airtel and Manulife Financial; and Koh Boon Hwee, chairman of Yeo Hiap Seng and a board director of Agilent Technologies.

GMI Ratings Governance Issue: JPMorgan Chase & Co. Gets an “F”

The following entry appeared as part of GovernanceMetrics International’s GMI Blog. GMI is the leading independent provider of global corporate governance and ESG ratings and research. Corporate stakeholders – including leading investors, insurers, auditors, regulators and others – use GovernanceMetrics services to identify and monitor risks related to non-financial measures covering key environmental, social, governance and accounting risk factors.


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