Discussion Forum - Page 89 of 116 - The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI)

Interesting Article about Kobe Court Judgment (Charle, Case re MBO Valuations)

The Kobe District court recently handed down a judgment ordering a company to disclose information relating to its MBO (excluding information which the exposure of which could potentially harm whistleblowers).


Some are calling this a very significant judgment, though we will have to see how it plays out (including any appeals).

Recording of Expert Panel: ” After Olympus, What Do Foreign Investors Want Most From Japanese Companies?”

Regarding the expert panel event that BDTI recentlyorganized – After Olympus, What Do Foreign Investors Want Most From Japanese Companies? onMay 28, 16:00 —> For those who missed it, the recording to this event is available for the same price of the event (personal use only).

Contact: info@bdti.or.jp Event description: bdti.or.jp/english/node/371

Mizuho FG: Shareholder Proposal Requiring Disclosure of Policy and Actions Taken (if Any) to Train Board Members

A shareholder has submitted a proposalto Mizuho Financial Group that would require it to discloseabout its policy(if it has any)and any actions taken to train its own board members.Mizuho's own translation follows:

Proposal 7: Partial amendment to the Articles of Incorporation (Concerning disclosure of policy and results of officer training)

Transparency International’s “Anti-Bribery Due Diligence for Transactions”

Transparency International UK ( http://www.transparency.org.uk/) has released a very useful report on this topic. Introductory excerpts:

Purpose of this guidance: Anti-bribery due diligence can help purchasers to manage their investment risk in transactions more effectively. However, it is often not undertaken, neglected, or allocated insufficient time and resources. A recent survey found that:

At AGM Deutsche Bank Supervisory Board Chairman Deposed by Variety of Well-Known Institutions and Retail Investors

22.26% of shareholders of Deutsche Bank viewed the situation from the same perspective as Hermes and VIP ( counter-motions ) and denied the Deutsche Bank Supervisory Board discharge, as a payback for its disorganized leadership. Among the supporters were (alongside many family offices around the globe and many retail shareholders in Germany) primarily:

Brookings Event (Video) “The Modern Shareholder: How a Short-Term Focus is Harming U.S. Corporations”

(From the Brookings Institution's web site;to see the video, access the link below) – ” The individuals and organizations who own shares in corporations have changed radically over the past 50 years. Today the household sector holds few direct shares in corporate equities – and a significant majority of stocks are owned by institutional investors, including […]


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