Discussion Forum - Page 83 of 116 - The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI)

“Gender Diversity in the Board Room: Why it Matters, and How to Increase it ” – [Event w/ McKinsey’s G. Desvaux: Oct. 3, 2012]

[CCCJ Event arranged in cooperation with The Board Director Training Institute of Japan, TMI Associates, the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, the French Chamber of Commerce in Japan, and with participation by McKinsey & Company Inc Japan]

When Italy has recently passed a law requiring the boards of listed companies to have 20% of their boards be comprised by women as of 2012 and 33% by 2015, you know that the issue of “gender diversity” has reached some sort of critical mass.

“A Heaven for Insider Trading – The dark side of Japan’s stock markets”

( August 06, 2012 Hideo Aiba ) A series of insider trading scandals involving Nomura Securities and others have cast a dark cloud over Japan's capital markets. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, says financial journalist Hideo Aiba.

A series of insider trading scandals involving Nomura Securities and others have cast a dark cloud over Japan's capital markets. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, says financial journalist Hideo Aiba.

What is Corporate Culture?

The most important step to introduce successful planned change management programs is to understand the corporate culture of an organization.

We all know that companies with outstanding financial performance often have powerful corporate cultures, suggesting that “culture” is the key to an organization’s success.

Cultural change does not happen in an organization; it is usually result of a complex change strategy implemented by company’s management.

Let’s examine what is corporate culture all about:

GovernanceMetrics’ Women on Boards Report

The third editon of GovernanceMetrics’ Women on Boards report is released amidst the increasingly vigorous debate on gender diversity and its importance in the boardroom. Overall, the number of women on boards has increased in the last year, but only modestly. This has lead to greater momentum for interventon by governments and regulators to either impose quotas or require companies to put specific plans in place to achieve greater gender diversity on their board.


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