Discussion Forum - Page 71 of 116 - The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI)

BDTI Extends it Warmest Thanks to Cosmo PR, an Outstanding Supporter – and an Outstanding Communications Consultancy

BDTI would like to express its deep gratitude to Cosmo PR and its CEO, Kumi Sato, for allowing our organization to use Cosmo'sconference roomfacilities on numerous occasions, – often for BDTI's English language Director Boot Camp -and other support. Cosomo PR is a long-time leading communiations consulting firm in Japanthat has particularly strong expertise in the healthcare industry. Details from the company appear below.

ACCJ Releases Viewpoint: “Calling upon the LDP to Follow Through on its Campaign Promise to Reform Corporate Governance”

The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) issued a Viewpoint which calls on the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Government of Japan led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to act swiftly to ensure that the proposed amendments to the Company Law to be submitted to the Diet include the measures described in the LDP’s own campaign platform to accelerate corporate governance reform. BDTI closely watch (a)(iii).

Stanford’s Rock Center: Nearly Two-Thirds of CEOs Do Not Receive Outside Leadership Advice – But Nearly All Want It

「STANFORD, CA – July 31, 2013 – “It’s lonely at the top” appears to be truer than ever, according to a new study conducted by the Center for Leadership Development and Research at Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University’s Rock Center for Corporate Governance, and The Miles Group. Nearly two-thirds of CEOs do not receive coaching or leadership advice from outside consultants or coaches, and almost half of senior executives are not receiving any either, the survey reveals.

BDTI Will Offer Next English “Director Boot Camp” on Friday, October 11th

This one-dayintensive program teaches participants the key legal and corporate governance knowledge they need to responsibly serve on, report to, or analyze boards of Japanese companies, both public and private. The course consists of short lectures interspersed with ample time for interactive discussion and questions-and-answers about real-life situations that occur on boards, and how to handle them. The course is usually good fun for everybody, since we all learn from each others' experiences, as well as from BDTI. The program will cover topics such as:

The PLC Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions Handbook 2013/2014 – the U.S. chapter

Practical Law Company has publicized the United States chapter of thePLC Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions Handbook 2013/2014.The chapter provides a basic overview of public company M&A in the U.S. and is organized in an easy-to-use question and answer format that we hope you find useful.

Click the following address for download.

7/30, BDTI Will Offer Next English “Director Boot Camp”

This one-dayintensive program teaches participants the key legal and corporate governance knowledge they need to responsibly serve on, report to, or analyze boards of Japanese companies, both public and private. The course consists of short lectures interspersed with ample time for interactive discussion and questions-and-answers about real-life situations that occur on boards, and how to handle them. The course is usually good fun for everybody, since we all learn from each others' experiences, as well as from BDTI. The program will cover topics such as:


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