Discussion Forum - Page 67 of 116 - The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI)

“To Catch a Thief: Can Forensic Accounting Help Predict Stock Returns?”

Messod D. Beneish, Charles M.C. Lee, D. Craig Nichols August 15, 2011 Abstract: An earnings manipulation detection model based on forensic accounting principles (Beneish 1999) has substantial out-of-sample ability to predict crosssectional returns. We show that the model correctly identified, ahead of time, 12 of the 17 highest profile fraud cases in the period 1998-2002.

Spencer Stuart: Japan Board Index (2013 results)

Main items from the Summary: Eighty-two percent of TOPIX 100 companies have appointedexternal directors. The trend is more pronounced in companieswith a high ratio of foreign investors. In this regard, whencompanies do not have any external directors on their boards,they can still meet the Tokyo Stock Exchange requirement thatcompanies appoint independent directors by ensuring thattheir audit & supervisory board members2 are independent.

“Is Japan Really a “Buy”? The Corporate Governance, Cash Holdings, and Economic Performance of Japanese Companies”

Abstract; April 2011; revised, June 2012 –

Over the past ten years there has been much discussion about whether corporate governance in Japan has improved and, if so, whether this results in improved corporate performance. We investigate whether observed changes in Japanese firms’ cash holdings and payout policy are consistent with improved governance.

Nishimura & Asahi: “Lessons Learned from Recent Japanese M&A Contract Interpretation Cases”

Nisshimura & Asahi have created this useful presentation on Lessons Learned from Recent JapaneseM&A Contract Interpretation Cases, which covers recent legal history in this area and the following topics:

Emancipation of Japanese M&A Contract Drafting
Buyer’s Knowledge
Liquidated Damages
Entire Agreement Clause
Indemnification Claims



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