Discussion Forum - Page 55 of 116 - The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI)

Skadden: “Cross-Border Investigations Update”

Skadden has published a useful report about trends and specific developments and cases relevant to this topic. Today’s multinational corporations are well aware that regulatory and law enforcement investigations are often global in scope. U.S. authorities, for example, currently are conducting high-profile cross-border investigations concerning corrupt practices or bribery, market manipulation, tax fraud, price-fixing and sanctions violations, among other areas.

Thomson Reuters Report: “Climb to the Top – Tracking Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards”

(ThomsonReuters, 10/22/2014)
For the first time, more than half of public companies reported that women make up 10 percent or more of their board.Our latest report, Climb to the Top – Tracking Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards, reveals that boards are making slow but steady progress towards gender equality. Using data from Thomson Reuters ASSET4, the study looked at the gender diversity of the boards of more than 4,000 public companies globally.

Australia’s New Corporate Governance Code: A Model for Japan to Follow?

This year Australia (the ASX stock exchange) has amended its corporate governance code. The new codesets forth requirementsfor director induction programs and ongoingtraining, and requires companies tohave and disclose a board skills matrix setting out the mix of skills and diversity that the board currently has or is looking to achieve in its membership.

” Recommendation 2.6

Deliberations of Advisory Panel for Japan’s Corporate Governance Code Proceed into the Details

Deliberations by the advisory panel for Japan's first corporate governance code are proceeding, with more specific suggestions and proposals coming forth. Last week, a translation of another governance code in Asia (Singapore's) was added to the many other nations' codes that have been distributed as reference. Also, Mr. Toyama submitted a draftcorporate governance code, with many specifics, e.g.

ACGA / CLSA Release “CG Watch 2014”, Upgrades Japan to 3rd in Asia, Stresses Importance of Japan’s CG Code and Director Training

The Asian Corporate Governance Association and CLSA have released their well-known review of corporate governance in Asia,CG Watch 2014. This year the reportupgraded Japan to 3rd place in Asia (from a tie for 4th). Hong Kong edged out Singapore for the top ranking. The chapter on Japan can be downloaded here:


New UK Corporate Governance Code Issued

(UK FRC –> ) The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has issued today an updated version of the UK Corporate Governance Code (the Code). This significantly enhances the quality of information investors receive about the long-term health and strategy of listed companies, and raises the bar for risk management.

Interview: Japan’s Corporate Governance ‘Tipping Point’ (Interview of Nicholas Benes, in The Diplomat)

Japan’s tarnished image for corporate governance is undergoing a polish. From its declaration as a key “third arrow” reform for Abenomics, new company law reforms, the launch of a stewardship code for investors, and promised corporate governance code in 2015, the nation’s businesses have been put on notice to improve performance or face the consequences.


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