Discussion Forum - Page 54 of 116 - The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI)

MoFo: “Department Of Justice Official Provides Fresh Guidance on What Constitutes an Effective Corporate Compliance Program”

Morrison Foerster: When can a corporation’s compliance program help stave off indictment? Or at least secure it more lenient treatment from the Department of Justice when resolving a case? DOJ has given fresh guidance on this issue for our clients, signaling what we see as a new emphasis in evaluating corporate compliance. That guidance came in October 7, 2014 remarks by Marshall L. Miller, the Criminal Division’s Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General (PDAAG).

NACD: “Cyber-Risk Oversight Handbook”

Leading companies view cyber risks in the same way they do other critical risks—in terms of a risk-reward trade off. This is especially challenging in the cyber arena for two reasons. First, the complexity of cyber threats has grown dramatically. Corporations now face increasingly sophisticated events that outstrip traditional defenses. As the complexity of these attacks increases, so does the risk they pose to corporations. As noted above, the potential effects of a data breach are expanding well beyond information loss to include significant damage in other areas.


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