Discussion Forum - Page 53 of 116 - The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI)

Prof. Katuyuki Kubo: “CEO Compensation in Japan”

1. Introduction- The purpose of this paper is to examine recent changes in executive compensationin Japan. We will focus mainly on three topics. First, we review recent changes in theinstitutional framework for executive pay. In particular, we discuss the new rules ondisclosure of executive compensation, which require firms to disclose the salaries oftheir presidents if their pay exceeds a certain amount after 2010.

English Exposure Draft of Japan’s New Corporate Governance Code Published – Public Comment Period Begins

The FSA has published an English version of the draft corporate governance code, and is asking for public comments – which may be sent to the FSA in English. The deadline for receipt of comments is January 31st, 2015.

The English translation, and instructions for making public comments, are available at:



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