Discussion Forum - Page 50 of 116 - The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI)

Ethical Boardroom Article – “Corporate Governance Reform in Japan” (how things progressed this far)

BDTI's Representative Director Nicholas Benes has written anarticle in Ethical Boardroom, explaining how Japan got to the point of creating a corporate governancecode when the topic was not even discussed18 months ago. The article is on page 50. (Use the page selection bar at the bottom. )

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Joint Seminar – Corporate Governance Related Training of Board Directors and Senior Managers – German and Japanese Experiences

The organization and work of boards has been a central focus of debate regarding corporate governance practices and reform initiatives in both Germany and Japan. A common underlying concern has been how to ensure that both directors and management fully understand their respective roles, and have the skills and mind-set needed to perform those roles so as to enhance effective strategic decision-making.

Deloitte: “The GPIF and its Reform”

As perpective regarding, postponement (abandonment?) of GPIF governance reform, we recall thatthis January Delloitte wrote in its memo The GPIF and its Reform:
“ The Japanese FSA will soon publish a code for a higher level of corporate governance for Japanese companies. These two codes (CG + stewardship) are seen as essential for achieving sustainable growth of the Japanese equity markets. The GPIF must, in this context, have better governance. “


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