Discussion Forum - Page 33 of 116 - The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI)

”Rebuilding trust – Lessons on the importance of staying ethical”

”The end of the financial year reveals the true depths of the self-inflicted wounds at Toshiba, as it seeks to drag itself out of the quagmire created by one of several major accounting scandals to have hit the country’s corporate sector in recent years.

The global consumer electronics firm said it was forecasting full-year losses of $6 billion, and would have to cut more than 10,000 jobs.

Like other Japanese companies currently embroiled in scandals — the optical equipment maker Olympus, the air bag-maker Takata and the construction materials firm Asahi Kasei — Toshiba is also counting the cost of the damage to its reputation, both at home and abroad.

Research Paper by Kodama et al ” Transplanting Corporate Culture across International Borders: FDI and female employment in Japan”



”This paper examines the effect of foreign ownership on gender-related employment outcomes and work practices in Japan. The data indicate that the proportion of females among workers, managers, directors, and board members is higher, and the gender wage gap is smaller, in foreign affiliates than in domestic firms of comparable size operating in the same industry. Foreign affiliates are also more likely to offer flexible working arrangements, telecommuting, and child care subsidies. These effects are mostly visible in older affiliates and are more pronounced in affiliates with a larger foreign ownership share. These patterns are in line with the view that it takes time to transplant corporate culture to an overseas affiliate and that a higher ownership stake may facilitate this process……”

Randall S. JONES ” Productivity: The main driver of economic growth for Japan”


Randall S. JONES's Photo

Randall S. JONES

”…………..Productivity has become a unifying theme for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) work in recent years. Productivity determines wage growth and living standards, and as populations in many developed countries have found, the only real source of growth is productivity growth. Today, I would like to look at recent trends in productivity, the causes of declining productivity, and some ideas on how to revive productivity growth.

Nikkei Asian Review: ”Japanese company needs to drop arrogant stance to survive”

Sharp’s head office in Abeno Ward, Osaka

”………………TOKYO — Sharp decided Thursday to accept a takeover offer from Taiwan’s Hon Hai Precision Industry, becoming the first major Japanese electronics maker to be acquired by a foreign company.

While Sharp will seek to resurrect itself under the umbrella of the Taiwanese contract electronics manufacturer also known as Foxconn, the key to successful rehabilitation will be the ability of the Osaka-based company to drop its arrogant stance.


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