The LDP’s “Policy Proposals” to Reform Corporate Governance, Issued Just Before the Election at the End of 2012

192. Accelerating corporate governance reform
The LDP will accelerate corporate governance reform through such measures as tightening the definition of outside directors, mandatory adoption of multiple independent directors at listed companies, reviewing functions of statutory auditors and independent directors in appointing an external auditor, a more effective whistleblower system, a regulatory framework to discipline the relationship between a parent company and subsidiaries, a review of the audit firm and public accountant system, tougher penalties for misconduct and indemnification for those who voluntarily surrender; and

193. Fair and transparent financial markets
It is a foremost priority to restore investor confidence in the financial markets after the recent incidents of AIJ Investment Advisors and a series of insider dealings. To achieve fairer and more transparent financial markets, the LDP will strengthen financial inspection and monitoring via implementation of such measures as tougher regulations on insider trading, promotion of fixed-term recruitment of external talent (those with careers at financial institutions, etc) as financial inspectors, and further collaboration on investigations with overseas regulators.

192 企業統治改革の推進 

193 公平・公正・透明な金融市場への適正化
 昨今、AIJ 事件や増資インサイダー問題といった金融商品取引をめぐる事案が多発し、信頼回復は至上命題です。公平・公正・透明な金融市場への適正化を図るべく、インサイダー規制の強化、金融検査官の任期付き外部登用(金融業経験者等)の増強や海外当局との捜査共助の強化等、金融検査・監督体制を強化します。

LDP -政策集 – 2012

LDP- 政権公約 – 2012

LDP -「 知ってびっくり―民主党これが実態だ 」-2010

The Board Director Training Institute (BDTI) is a "public interest" nonprofit in Japan dedicated to training about directorship, corporate governance, and related management techniques. It is certified by the Japanese government to conduct these activities as a regulated nonprofit. Read a summary about BDTI here, and see a menu of its services for both corporations and investors here.

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