About the Institue

The only certified public-interest non-profit in Japan
committed to building sound corporate organizations
and the “directorship” skills needed by every board member,
by providing training that the age of globalization demands.

The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI), a non-profit Japanese “public interest” organization certified by the government, was established in 2009 by experts and opinion leaders active in academic and business circles. BDTI’s mission is to increase trust between corporations and the public, and facilitate the safe, sustainable and ethical development of the Japanese economy and Japanese companies, by improving corporate governance and accelerating the spread of effective management methods.  We believe that training is the key to doing these things while also enhancing corporate value, for the reasons explained in this memo and also in this Summary of BDTI, its Programs and Activities.   

Since BDTI’s establishment, we have been fortunate enough to receive the support and participation of senior leaders (and leading firms) around the world, all of whom share our purpose and sense of mission.

In order to spread knowledge about corporate governance and related management methods widely, BDTI provides a low-cost E-Learning Course providing core knowledge aboiut the Company Law.

BDTI also offers (a) intensive “director training” programs that combine corporate governance know-how with global management methods; (b) customized programs for enhancing director skills, or governance and compliance awareness;  (c) seminars on specific topics, led by lecturers who are experts in each respective field; and (d) consulting to corporations about corporate governance.

Another of BDTI’s activities is to provide – on this web site – News and Recent Postings on related topics, a Discussion Forum (a blog open for use by registrants), and a Data Library. These various resources provide updates and information about corporate governance, management techniques, and related subjects of interest. We hope that by facilitating the open exchange of information and opinions in this manner, we can promote constructive debate and dialogue on these topics. By all means, please make full use of these resources.

BDTI is a “public interest organization” approved by the Japanese government, and is able to conduct its activities because of the generosity of our donors. If you share our sense of mission, and are interested to help support our activities, – whether by way of making a donation, becoming a “participating member”, or advertising on this web site, – please feel free to contact us at any time.

Contact: info@bdti.or.jp
Phone: 81-3-6432-2337
Fax: 81-3-6432-2338

For information in print about BDTI, download this Japanese Summary or this Detailed English Summary describing our activities and recent programs.

Foundation Name: The Board Director Training Institute of Japan
2-30-22 Nakamachi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-0091
Telephone: 81-3-6432-2337
Fax: 81-3-6432-2338
Representative Directors: Kenichi Osugi
Nicholas Benes
Date of Establishment: November 18, 2009
Memberships: Council of Institutional Investors, Honorary International Member

International Corporate Governance Network