Program Registration

Available Events
Event Selection Regular Price Participating Members
2025.1.31 (Fri) Director Boot Camp
2025.1.31 (Fri) Director Boot Camp

2025.3.4 (Tue) Director Boot Camp
2025.3.4 (Tue) Director Boot Camp






* Required

Within 14 days of receiving a confirmation email from BDTI, kindly please pay to this bank account the relevant fee set forth for the event, seminar or program for which you are registering. Please note that BDTI will not bear the costs of any associated remittance charges or lifting fees. Your application will be rendered invalid if such payment is not made within 14 days of your receipt of the confirmation email.

Payment Instructions*

1) To pay by card, please click here after registering if you were not routed to the credit card payment page. You may use ONLY Visa or MasterCard for credit card payment. 

2) To pay by bank remittance, please follow the instructions below.

If you are paying via remittance from abroad, please specify that “overseas charges will be paid by the sender”.  Kindly please arrange the remittance so that the correct amount arrives at BDTI’s account net of all fees, given that our bank charges 4,000 Yen for us to receive remittances from abroad.

Payment Instructions:
(In English)
Bank: MUFG Bank, Ltd. (Bank code: 0005)
Branch: Yoga Branch (Branch code: 762)
Account number: 0013593
Swift Code: BOTKJPJT
Bank Address: 2-24-5 Tamagawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-0094 JAPAN
(In Japanese) お振込先銀行 三菱UFJ銀行 用賀出張所
口座番号 普通 0013593
口座名義 公益社団法人 会社役員育成機構(カタカナ表記:シャダンホウジン カイシャヤクインイクセイキコウ、または、ヤクインイクセイでもお振込みいただけます)
  1. There may be adjustments or changes in the program outline and content, – for example, depending on the needs of attendees.
  2. Information provided by applicants to this training program will be maintained and may be used by BDTI, event co-sponsors, or other collaborating or cooperating organizations only in order to verify your identity, respond to inquiries, conduct marketing and related research, send out our newsletter, or for other purposes of providing services. Regarding the details of our policy about the use of personal information, please see Privacy Policy . Any inquiries regarding the implementation of this policy should be directed to Nicholas Benes,
  3. In general, no changes or cancellation are allowed.
  4. Cancellation fee (excluding seminars) :
    • If you cancel less than three weeks before the event date: 50% of the course fee will be charged as a cancellation fee
    • If you cancel up to three days before or on the day of the event: 100% of the course fee will be charged as a cancellation fee
    • In the event of a cancellation payment sans aforementioned fees will be refunded. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
    • Note that if you cancel within three weeks of the day of the event, you will not automatically transfer your registration to the next course date. Please apply for next course separately.
    • If you are unable to attend the course and wish not to cancel, you may elect to have another person attend the course on your behalf.
  5. Refund after payment procedure is completed :
    • Cancellation requests made more than three weeks of the event will receive a full refund, minus any bank transfer fee. If you pay by card, a card commission fee will be charged. You may contact us for details.
  6. Reimbursement will be made in the manner and at the time that is reasonably determined.
    • No reimbursement of remittance charges, etc. incurred at the original time of payment will be made.
    • No reimbursement will be made for any travel and other costs that the applicant may have incurred.
    • BDTI will send you an email with appropriate details about the reimbursement, to the email address that you gave at the time of your registration.