Would you like to participate in BDTI`s activities? Most of all, we are simply looking for discussion forum participants! You don’t have to be an expert. All you need to do is to share your own experiences and opinions. Voices from actual practice, whether at the top or lower echelons of any organization, are especially welcome.
Then again, we’re always looking for recognized experts in the fields of corporate governance, company law, finance, and related management topics, who can serve as lecturers in our seminars and training programs and to offer course materials. Ideas or introductions regarding possible speakers at our events, are always welcome.
Likewise, the contributions of persons, organizations or corporations that help enrich our Data Library by providing content and electronic documents – or even video footage – are much appreciated. Such “content providers” can be anyone: lawyers, professors, researchers, students, managers, investors, or other parties. We welcome working papers and preliminary research results or reports that might benefit from feedback at an early stage.
Last, we’re open to “in-kind” support, whether it be by way of furnishing halls for large meetings, services we need, or just spreading the word about BDTI and helping sell its course programming in all its various combinations. Please feel free to contact us to discuss how you may be to help.
We look forward to joining with you to help stimulate knowledge sharing and active discussion about corporate governance in Japan.
Feel free to contact us with your ideas, at info@bdti.or.jp